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Champion Baker is crowned

Champion Baker is crowned

Invicta presents trophy at CBA awards ceremony

We were delighted to sponsor the Craft Baker's Association's inaugural Champion Baker Award, which was announced along with other prizewinners at the Association's Business Day on 14 June.

The award went to Harrods and picking up the trophy on behalf of the iconic London firm was Yann Colet who is pictured here with Invicta's Managing Director Martin Brown (left) and outgoing CBA President Neil Woods.

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this prestigious event. As you can imagine, from such a strong field, there were lots of fantastic entries and the standard was very high.

As part of the competition, CBA members were invited to enter baked goods for judging across eight categories which included a sour dough loaf, fruit loaf and vegan cake. In addition to prizes in each class, points were accumulated to find the overall Champion Baker.

We thoroughly enjoyed the Business Day and it was great to meet old and new faces at the event.

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