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Our standard, 304 grade stainless steel bakery/cooling racks to suit 600mm x 400mm continental baking sheets are manufactured in 25mm square box section, with 25mm x 25mm angle runners, turned down and rounded front and rear ends (anti-chafe feature) edge-dressed for safety, and fitted with 100mm diameter poly swivel castors.

A backstop can be fitted if required, please specify at time of ordering.

  • Tray Size: 600mm x 400mm
  • Backstop: Optional
  • Tie bars: Optional

Space between runners:

  • 20 tray capacity - 82mm spaces between runner levels, (72mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 18 tray capacity - 89mm spaces between runner levels, (81mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 16 tray capacity - 101mm spaces between runner levels, (93mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 14 tray capacity - 114mm spaces between runner levels, (106mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 12 tray capacity - 136mm spaces between runner levels, (128mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 11 tray capacity - 149mm spaces between runner levels, (141mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 10 tray capacity - 165mm spaces between runner levels, (157mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 9 tray capacity - 181mm spaces between runner levels, (173mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
  • 8 tray capacity - 203mm spaces between runner levels, (195mm at the ends where runners are turned down)
Width: 463mm - Height: 1816mm - Length: 600mm

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